Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Home Sweet Home

The hospital days are over...we have been officially discharged! The twins looked great in their little white dresses and bonnets. Chancie was going to walk out, but I forgot to pick up a pair of shoes for her, so she rode in the wheelchair. Everything has gone pretty smoothly since we got home. The girls continue to eat well and they slept for most of the afternoon/evening in front of the TV so we could watch Bones and House. Emma decided to keep Nana up last night until Chancie got up and put them both together (Emma & Ella) in one crib. From then on, they all slept peacefully. Not too much on the schedule for today. The new bedrooms are almost complete. I will need to get primer and paint for them today and Chancie wants to go ahead and pick out the carpet. We are trying to get a schedule setup for the twins on feeding and napping but so far they are not showing any real patterns other than they are not too fussy!! I keep praying that will stay the same!

1 comment:

Janice and Ned said...

Jon & Chancie, I know you two are "pro's" at this,right?

It's been over a week since we've heard about the twins.

"What's up?"

Love you all,
Aunt Janice